Create An Account

To use Wayfinding Pro you must create an account. There is no charge to be a user and no credit card information is required until you decide to change your account type.

Account Types Include:

Trial Account (Free)
A Trial Account has all of the features of a Full Access Account except that project cannot be transferred to a Trial Account. Your Trial Account lasts ten (10) days from the date that you register. It is automatically converted into a Limited Access Account after ten (10) days.

Limited Access Account (Free)
A Limited Access Account enables users to work on projects shared by other users. In addition, Limited Users may create their own projects. However the number of API calls per project is limited to one every 120 seconds. Projects cannot be transferred to Limited Access Accounts.

Full Access Account (Charges Applied)
A Full Access Account may utilize all of the features of Wayfinding Pro with unlimited use of the APIs. Projects may only be transferred to a full access account from any other type of account. Charges apply to all projects owned by a full access account.

The content manager for wayfinding systems.

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